Saturday, March 14, 2009

The trouble with youth

The world is truly going out of order. I knew it already is, but last night I suffered a tremored headache wondering how on earth it can be this way. How did ppl end up being as they are. How ppl end up being someone they are not supposed to be. The question of immorality has been thrown and burnt so long ago. No more care. No more conciousness. The pillars that are supposed to hold the future world are so damaged and dented even the best cannot repair them anymore. Who gave the idea that to have fun is the ultimate problem solver of the lifetime? Who thaught these ppl that every we can overcome every obstacle just by jumping around like some maniacs? Do you guys really think that thats the best way to handle anything? How long it will take till someone finally realize that once all the jumping and screaming are over the problem still exist? Its like "hey that country is at war! lets have a charity concert to show our support!!" What the fuck?

Last nite I somehow found myself sitting at the back of a so called 'charity' concert at my babe workplace. Imagine to sit for 2 hours listening to the some of the most horrifying sounds your ears could ever heard of. Its a total torture!! Most of the audience there were teenagers which is good at first glance, but look a little deeper and you shall see the sickening problem that has invaded the minds of our young ones. Despite the loudness of the place, I couldnt help but noticing the changes that have turned our teenagers into something else. I dont know how to describe it but they just didnt resemble the type of ppl we were hoping they would become. All the hope of producing leaders of tomorrow seems rubbish to these ppl. Put into bed. Maybe they think that to be succesful they just need to look cool?? Everyone wanted to be rappers, rockers, or even Paris Hilton. Cant we ooze coolness just as the way we are? I dont know about you guys but I just cannot stand ppl who try their hardest just to portray coolness in every bit of their action. Do you think its cool to dress like that? Or screaming and shouting like that? Who the hell influence you to be like that? I believe your parents did not expect you to be this way right? Heres the main problem here. From whom these ppl learn to behave such way? Whos the mastermind behind this illegal mind intrusion? Whos the blame for all of this?

I hate it when some africans dress up like a thug rapper. With his red bandana. With his extra large shirt/pants. And that 'cool' sunglasses. Wearing sunglasses at night? Theres no limit to human idiocracy.

I hate it when so called Muslim/Malay try their best to look europeans. Stop it please. That blonde hair doesnt match with our asian fair skin. And that mini skirt..its not like you got pretty leggies like Beyonce.

I hate it to see our Muslim/Malay females screaming and shouting like a whore. Plz show some manners girls. And you with the tudung on!! Stop cuddling with ur boyfriend in public!! You think I like to see u guys touching each other? (Well yeah actually in some way ;P)

p/s : Dafi you suck. You sang like a duck. I wish I can hit you with a hockey puck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Why did they make us see this? Bored to the max

View from the back. Groups of 'cool' teenagers enjoying themselves up front.

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