Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A truly depressing wedding

Imagine this..u were planning about catching a movie with ur partner for the day..u went back earlier than usual so u can spend the day with her..suddenly u received a call by ur close friend that u r invited to her wedding the same day..and the wedding place is 300km away.what would u do?

well im a sucker for wedding invitation so i decided to go. well honestly i wasnt really that eager to go there at first, but then i thot wut the fuck, just go lah. its not everyday u see ur friend got married. plus, two of my closest friendst from my day at KISAS will be there too! so, me and my fiancee, with our increasingly decreasing thickness of greens, set out for a trip to rengit, johor. all plans decided in a mere hour.nice

the thing that really hit me was how much do i missed hanging out with my kisas friends. on previous saturday another kisas friend dropped by and we spent 5 hours chatting and catching up at nearby mapley. and then at rengit i met kerel, naser, syake and all those ex-kisasians. some of them are married, some still looking and some are secretly engaged in those lovey-dovey relationship. it made me realized i was so caught up in my own world that i forget how much i missed hanging out with people that personified honesty through all of their doings. no cursing, no bad words, and the best thing is there was never 'i-work-at-a-better-place-than-u but-im-not-telling-u-where' attitude. its the honestly and humbleness among friends that just made u feel warm and grateful. during my journey home i was a lil' depressed coz it just concurred in my mind that i may never ever met these kind of people in my whole life time again.seriously, my life is surrounded with people with fake smiles, fake laugh, and all of those bitching and whining about everything. cant we just accept whatever that fall upon us and just get on with it?why must we stress ourself for something that is so obvious that they are not meant for us?

Be grateful.Be humble.Take everything that ALLAH has given u on ur stride and get on with it. Pray hard,work hard, and u'll be successful. ALLAH knows whats best for u. HE never break HIS promises. Believe in ALLAH always.


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